How to Find the Best Google Rankings Agency

Google commands a 92% share of the search engine market. Bing ranks second at 3.5% while Yahoo controls 1.5% of the market. In light of that information, it is not surprising that almost every website wants to rank at the top of Google’s search results page. Unfortunately, buying prime real estate on Google is easier said than done.It takes a specialist skillset. In fact, the best approach is to hire a Google SEO agency. An agency can help you take care of both on-page and off-page SEO—the two segments of search engine optimization needed to rank a website.

Google Ranking Agency: Do You Need One?

Numbers show that SEO is too important to ignore. A case in point: 99% of online searchers don’t click past the first page. That means you ought to rank on the first page to maximize traffic for your website. Another stat to keep in mind is that Google can help your website generate 1000% more traffic than organic social media. If that is not convincing enough, keep in mind that SEO has an ROI of 20 to 1. To provide some comparison, PPC advertising has an average ROI of 2 to 1.

In other words, you need SEO for your website. But do you need a Google ranking agency? To find out, ask yourself the following questions:

Are You an SEO Expert?

When you think about it, you probably can handle certain aspects of SEO. Maybe you’re a talented content creator. Perhaps you know your way around backlinking.If you’re a skilled SEO expert, you probably don’t need to find SEO ranking services. But if you have no clue how SEO works, you can benefit from working with an SEO company. SEO agencies consist of experts who understand the 200+ factors Google considers before ranking a website. They can help you optimize your website to dominate specific keywords in your niche.

Are Your Current SEO Strategies Working for You?

If you’re looking for an SEO ranking service, there’s a chance you’ve tried optimizing your website in the past. How is your present SEO strategy working for you? Because if you’re not ranking for important keywords in your niche, you need to hire a good Google rankings agency. You should also hire an SEO professional if your competitors are doing much better than you do. Maybe they have more backlinks for certain web pages. Perhaps they have better technical SEO. Consider hiring a rankings agency to help you dominate your niche through search engine optimization.

Do You have an SEO Budget?

Before you start finding the best Google ranking agency in your niche, ask yourself if you can afford their services. Many small business owners don’t always set a marketing budget.Yet, they want to increase their visibility on Google. Better ranking on Google takes time and expertise—both of which cost money. Against that backdrop, find out how much SEO services cost in your niche. Then set an appropriate monthly budget.

Is SEO Part of your Marketing Strategies?

For many online businesses, SEO is part of their long-term marketing strategy. That’s because it helps grow a business by providing organic traffic, which is cheaper than paid advertising in the long term. Unless you want to depend on advertising for customer acquisition, you need to embrace SEO. And if you want SEO to work for your business, work with the right SEO ranking service provider.

Choosing a Google Ranking Agency: 6 Things to Consider

You want a Google ranking agency because you’re specific about ranking your website on Google. But you’re not sure what to check. Here are 6 things to consider:

Your SEO Goals

SEO is a broad term that covers on-page and off-page optimization. Are you looking for an agency to help you create content? Do you want to source more backlinks for your website? Define your SEO goals. Then find a Google ranking agency that can help you achieve these goals. If you’re not sure what is wrong with your website, consider looking for an SEO audit. Many Google ranking companies actually offer free website audits. Shop around for a few great providers and ask them to audit your site. Once they point out what’s not working, hire an agency to handle that part of SEO.

Your SEO Budget

Google rankings agencies have different price plans for their different target audiences. Owing to that backdrop, consider your company’s budget before you partner with any specific rankings agency. Set a budget that can help you achieve your SEO goals while also keeping your company’s finances in order. Avoid the mistake of defining a small budget: It can tempt you to work with a cheap, inefficient SEO company. Likewise, don’t spend more money than you can afford on SEO. Instead, find a company within your budget but vet it to ensure it can actually get the job done.

Find A Firm that Specializes Your Niche

There are a lot of SEO companies that claim to serve all niches. That’s alright. But these agencies may not be the right partners for your website. You need a Google ranking agency that specializes in your niche website. If you run a gaming website, find an SEO specialist who deals with gaming sites. The reason: you benefit from the in-depth knowledge and connections that come with specialization. An agency that specializes in gaming has probably ranked tons of gaming websites. And they can show you this evidence so that you’re confident in their Google ranking skills.

Read Reviews and Testimonials

One of the best ways to determine the best SEO ranking service provider for you is to read reviews and testimonials. Many agencies publish testimonials on their website. However, also look for reviews published on third-party platforms like Google, Trust Pilot, and Yelp. Find out what past and present customers say about the SEO agency. Another great approach is to ask an agency for a case study. Focus on case studies in your niche. Learn how the company increased a website’s traffic and links. If you love their work, get into a contract with them.

Consider Performance Metrics

When it comes to measuring SEO results, it all lies in the data. As a result, find an agency that uses performance metrics that makes sense to you. This is particularly true when you choose a monthly package.For example, choose a company that can help you create five content pieces on your website. When it comes to backlinks, ensure they can get you a specific number of links.Likewise, look for metrics like keyword performance, monthly traffic, and overall sales. You want to pay for a service that comes with measurable results. If an agency won’t provide any metrics to back up its work, they are not worth your time.

Effective Communication and Reporting

Because SEO takes a lot of time, choose a Google rankings agency that’s willing to report to you regularly to discuss performance. In fact, they should give you a contact person you can reach out to every time you need to communicate something. To find an agency that’s great with communication, look at the contact channels. Also, read reviews or book a consultation to confirm whether the agency will report to you regularly.

Bet Exposure: A Google Ranking Agency You Can Trust

Have you heard about Bet Exposure? We are one of the fastest-growing Google ranking agencies out there.We specialize in the online gambling niche. We have a team of dedicated SEO specialists who deal with both on-page and off-page SEO. Talk to us if you want to rank higher on Google. As a reward, we’ll take a look at your website, audit and provide a report about its performance on Google. All at no cost to you!